Rowyn’s First Bath

One thing I’ve always wanted was to have a muse that wouldn’t fade. Something most of my friends know, and I will readily admit, is that I can pour my heart into something… but only for so long. I eventually get tired, bored, feel like it becomes more of a burden than an enjoyment, or some other reason inevitably always comes along that puts my hobbies on the shelf.

Not this time. I think I finally found something that I can love. That I can put my heart into. That will make me smile every time I put my time into it. What better muse could I possibly have ever asked for? One of the two  most important women in my world.

With that said… my daughter’s first bath.

Rowyn (1 of 1)

Rowyn (1 of 1)-2

Rowyn (1 of 1)-3

Rowyn (1 of 1)-4

Rowyn (1 of 1)-5

Rowyn (1 of 1)-6

Rowyn (1 of 1)-7

Rowyn (1 of 1)-8

Rowyn (1 of 1)-9

Rowyn (1 of 1)-10

Rowyn (1 of 1)-11

Rowyn (1 of 1)-12

Rowyn (1 of 1)-13

Rowyn (1 of 1)-14

And the cuteness to boot...

And the cuteness to boot…

17 responses to “Rowyn’s First Bath

  1. Usually brand new babies are a bit, ah, beauty challenged, but this one is really cute….not sure if it is the baby or the photography. Love the one where she is contemplating life…

    • I agree, she’s gorgeous and I can’t help but be in love 🙂

      And thank you! I really hope I can live up to being a great dad. I know parenting isn’t easy, and being a great parent in your children’s eyes isn’t an easy challenge, but I’m up for it! I have a lot of love to give!!

  2. Pingback: So, what are you doing? My tips for the new blogger | Dad, It's ok!·

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